INTRODUCTIONForces between solids immersed in a liquid are important to many research areas including the stability of colloids, 1 flotation and separation of minerals, 2 pushing of particles by growing crystals, 3À5 and crystallization pressure. 6,7 When such forces are repulsive and occur between a crystal growing in confinement and the confining body (such as can occur within a porous material), damaging stresses can arise. Such is the case with destructive crystallization pressure by salt or ice, which is responsible for sculpting mountains and damaging monuments. 8 However, in some systems, the net interaction is attractive. It has been reported that quartz and sodium chloride are such a system, where the attraction has been attributed to the modification of bulk solution structure through the orientation of the water dipoles at the surface. 2 This is important for mineral flotation and also for understanding the potential for damage to quartzitic sandstone monuments exposed to marine salts.In this study, we use molecular dynamics to confirm the nature of the interaction between halite and quartz in the presence of pure water or a slightly supersaturated solution. We also examine the relative influence of crystal separation on the structuring of the solution near the two crystal surfaces. We first describe the potential model, the development of the systems of study, and the computational simulation method. The following section shows the effects of concentration and crystal separation on the structuring of the confined solutions and pressure felt by the confined sodium chloride crystal.' COMPUTATIONAL PROCEDURE Potential Model. A fully atomistic potential developed by Mahadevan and Garofalini for dissociative water 9 and water Àsilica studies, 10 which allows for bonds to be broken or formed between all atoms, was used in this work. This potential contains both two-body and three-body terms. The form of the pair potential used for all interactions iswhereABSTRACT: Molecular dynamics simulations with a dissociative interatomic potential were used to examine the interaction forces between quartz and sodium chloride crystals in the presence of pure water and a supersaturated (7 m NaCl) solution at crystal separations between 7 and 24.5 Å. The force between the crystals was found to be attractive for all separations at both ion concentrations. The structuring of interfacial water molecules, leading to ordering of the dipole moments at both interfaces, is primarily responsible for the attraction. Modifications of the interfacial water structure by the decreasing crystal separation are more prevalent at the quartz/liquid interface than at the sodium chloride/water interface.