CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: The management of clinically negative neck is controversial, with an ongoing debate on the indication criteria and prognostic impact of different types of therapy. The aim here was to compare the results from neck dissection and watch-and-wait, among oral cancer patients who, clinically, did not show any evidence of neck metastasis. DESIGN AND SETTING: Retrospective analysis in a tertiary cancer center hospital.
METHODS:Patients with epidermoid oral carcinoma were assessed. The inclusion criteria were: primary tumor restricted to the oral/oropharyngeal cavity, no previous treatment, surgical treatment as the first option, clinical/radiological stage N0 and no distant metastasis. RESULTS: Two hundred and sixty-two patients were analyzed. The length of follow-up ranged from four to 369.6 months and, at the end, 118 patients were alive, 53 had died due to cancer, 84 had died from other causes and 7 had died after the operation. Among the patients who underwent neck dissection, lymphatic vascular embolization (P = 0.009) and tumor thickness (P = 0.002) were significant for regional recurrence, while for the watch-and-wait group, only tumor thickness was significant (P = 0.018). Through recursive partitioning, the patients without adverse prognostic factors and tumor thickness < 2 mm presented compatible results in the two groups. CONCLUSION: Elective neck dissection seems to be the best treatment option. Patients who are eligible for watch-and-wait constitute a small group that, ideally, is categorized according to the postoperative pathological findings.reSUMO CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: O manejo do pescoço clinicamente negativo é controverso, havendo um debate corrente sobre os critérios de indicação bem como o impacto prognóstico das diferentes modalidades terapêuticas. O objetivo foi comparar os resultados do esvaziamento cervical com a observação em pacientes com câncer de boca e clinicamente sem evidência de metástases cervicais. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Análise retrospectiva em hospital terciário, especializado em oncologia. MÉTODOS: Pacientes com diagnóstico de carcinoma epidermoide de boca foram analisados. Os crité-rios de inclusão foram: tumor primário restrito à cavidade oral/orofaringe, ausência de tratamento prévio, tratamento cirúrgico como primeira opção, estádio clínico e radiológico N0 e ausência de metástases a distância. RESULTADOS: Duzentos e sessenta e dois pacientes foram analisados. O tempo de acompanhamento variou de 4 a 369.6 meses e, ao final, havia 118 pacientes vivos, 53 óbitos pela neoplasia, 84 óbitos por outras causas e 7 óbitos pós-operatórios. Nos pacientes submetidos a esvaziamento cervical, a embolização vascular linfática (P = 0,009) e a espessura tumoral (P = 0,002) foram associados significativamente com a recidiva regional, enquanto que nos pacientes somente observados, apenas a espessura tumoral se associou significativamente (P = 0,018). Por meio do particionamento recursivo, aqueles pacientes sem fatores adversos prognósticos e espessura tumoral menor...