In patient studies the correlation between maximum urethral closure pressure (MUCP) and Valsalva leak point pressure (LPP) is meagre at best (r = 0.22-0.50). We therefore studied the relation between MUCP and LPP in a Xexible and extensible model urethra. We applied diVerently sized pressure zones and diVerent degrees of resistance to a biophysical model urethra by stepwise inXating three types of blood pressure cuV placed around the model. At each degree of resistance we measured detrusor LPP, an in vitro equivalent of Valsalva LPP. Subsequently, we recorded the Urethral Pressure ProWle using a water-perfused 5F end-hole catheter at four withdrawal rates and Wve perfusion rates and calculated MUCP. We tested the dependence of LPP on pressure zone length and MUCP on perfusion rate, withdrawal rate and pressure zone length using analysis of variance. We tested the correlation between LPP and MUCP using Pearson's correlation coeYcient and Linear Regression. LPP did not signiWcantly depend on the pressure zone length (P = 0.80) and increased linearly with increasing cuV pressure. MUCP also increased with increasing cuV pressure, however, MUCP signiWcantly depended (P < 0.01) on perfusion rate, withdrawal rate and pressure zone length. MUCP increased with increasing perfusion rate, and decreased with increasing withdrawal rate. In our model urethra MUCP only accurately reXected urethral resistance for a very limited number of combinations of perfusion rate and withdrawal rate. LPP reXected urethral resistance independent of the type of pressure zone.