1. An improved simple technique for measuring adenine nucleotide translocator activity at low medium substrate concentrations is described.2. Confirming previous reports, thyroidectomy was shown to lead to lowered translocator activity in rat liver mitochondria. The rapidly exchangeable portion of the matrix nucleotide also decreased in hypothyroid preparations even though the total nucleotides increased substantially.3. The apparent K,,, of translocator for ADP increased from 2.8 to 6.2pM in hypothyroid preparations: Mg2+ ions raised this to about 20 pM.4. All of these changes in adenine nucleotide translocation were entirely reversed by 15min after a single intravenous near-physiological dose of triiodothyronine.The mitochondrion has long been considered a likely subcellular target of thyroid hormone action (review [I]). Mitochondria have been shown to acquire iodine [2] and triiodothyronine [3] at very short times after radiohormone administration to hypothyroid animals and a proteolipid fraction with specific tight binding sites for the hormone has been isolated from rat liver mitochondrial inner membrane [4].Rapid effects of hormone on oxidative phosphorylation have also been observed. Hoch [2] found changes in respiratory control and uncoupler sensitivity 2 min after thyroxine injection to hypothyroid rats; Sterling and his co-workers have reported increased phosphorylation in sub-mitochondrial vesicles both using direct addition of nanomolar hormone concentrations [5] and with vesicles prepared 30 rnin after injection of a near-physiological dose of triiodothyronine [I]. We have established conditions under which liver mitochondria from thyroidectomised rats show ADPjO ratios with both NAD' and FAD-linked substrates of 50-70% of those obtained using preparations from euthyroid animals with no loss of respiratory control [3,6]. Mitochondria from thyroidectomised rats isolated 15 min after intravenous injection of a physiological dose of hormone or isolated after incubation with hormone and other cell fractions showed ADPjO ratios and respiratory control ratios indistinguishable from those obtained with euthyroid preparations although the low rates of respiration per mass of protein were unchanged [3, 6, 71.One potential component in this lowered phosphorylating ability may be the reduced rate of adenine nucleotide translocation found in hypothyroid mitochondria [8,9], since the recent elegant experiments of Tager and his co-workers [lo, 1 I] have shown that a significant measure of control of oxidative phosphorylation is exerted by the transfer. Portnay et al. [8] found that the lowered translocation rate was increased after 6 days of thyroxine replacement therapy to hypothyroid aniEnzymes. Hexokinase (EC; pyruvate kinase (EC; lactate dehydrogenase (EC; adenylate kinase (EC; glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC 1 .I .1.49). mals: in experiments with normal animals, the same group [12] had shown that a single large dose of triiodothyronine increased translocator activi...