“…Studies thus far have revealed the polyelectrolyte‐drug interaction to share many of the features exhibited by the interaction between a “traditional” cationic surfactant and an oppositely charged polyelectrolyte. Consequently, the regulating factors are the same: the polyelectrolyte charge density,17,18,23–25 flexibility,19,26 distribution of hydrophobic/hydrophilic groups,8,27 conformation,20,28 type of charge and nature of the polyelectrolyte counterions,17,28,29 and physico‐chemical properties of the amphiphile 18,30. Moreover, the polymer‐solvent, the amphiphile‐solvent, the polyelectrolyte/amphiphile counterion‐solvent interaction,16 and ionic strength23,28,31–35 exert a significant influence on the polyelectrolyte‐drug interaction 17…”