“… - General patient relaxation , improving the treatment experience for patient, operator and assistants
- Specific dental phobias such as needles, sound of drill, surgery environment
- Complementing the use of nitrous oxide (Whalley and Brooks, )
- Encouraging compliance with oral hygiene regimes
- Improving tolerance for orthodontic appliances
- Modification of unwanted oral habits, for example bruxism (poor evidence – Lobbezoo et al , )
- Modification of the use of anaesthetics, analgesics and sedation (Gyulaházi et al , ; Wolf et al , )
- Replacing or supplementing pre‐medication (Calipel et al , )
- Controlling salivary flow and bleeding (Abdeshahi et al , ; Satzl et al , )
- Treating chronic facial pain/temporomandibular disorders (Abrahamsen et al , , )