For the replacement of X-by H 2 0 in Cr(NH3),X2+, AVOx (the value of the volume of activation AV* at zero pressure) at 25.0" in 0.1 m NH,CIOL is -10.8, -10.2, and -9.4 cm3 mol-' respectively for X -= Cl-, Br-, and I-, while A V, the molar volume of reaction, is -8.4, -7.2 and -6.0 cm3 mol-'. The pressure-dependence of AV" can be expressed in terms of the number x of water-molecules which are electrostricted as the systems go from ground-state to transition-state; for X-= C1-, Br-, and I-, x = 1.9, 2.0, and 1.7. These data, combined with AVv = -5.8 cm3 mol-' for the aquo-exchange of Cr(NH,j,-OH,,+, indicate an associative mechanism for these reactions, as does the contrast with AVO* data for the formally analogous, but dissociatively-activated, reactions of CO(NH,),X(~-")-.Dans le remplacement de X -par H z O dans Cr(NH,),X2+, AVO* (valeur du volume d'activation AV* B la pression zkro) a 25.0' dans NH,CIO, 0.1 n1 est de -10.8, -10.2, et -9.4 cm3 mol-' respectivement pour X -= CI-, Br-, et I-, tandis que AV, volume molaire de la reaction, vaut -8.4, -7.2, et -6.0 cm3 mol-'. Z'influence de la pression sur A V* peut Etre exprimee en fonction du nombre x de molecules d'eau, conditionnk electrostatiquement lorsque le systZme passe de l'etat fondamental a l'itat de transition; pour X-= C1-, Br-, et I-, x = 1.9, 2.0, et 1.7. Ces donnees, combintes a AV* = -5.8 cm3 mol-' pour I'Cchange a i'eau de Cr(NH3),0H,3+, indiquent un mecanisme associatif pour ces reactions, de m&me que les donnees contraires sur AVO* concernant les analogues formels, mais actives par dissociation, des rkactions de CO(NH,),X(~-"'+.[Traduit par le journal]Can 3 Chem.. 51. 821 (1973) We have recently shown (1-5) that the effect of pressure P upon the rates of substitution reactions of transition-metal complexes in aqueoi;s solution can lead to useful mechanistic information if either the reaction is suitably simple or there is an independent criterion with which the derived parameters (the volun~e of activation, AV", and its pressure dependence, if significant) can be compared. Thus, for the ideally simple aquo-exchange reaction of CO(NH,),OH,~+, AV* is + 1.2 cm3 mol-' and is pressure-independent within the experimental uncertainty (6), which suggests a dissociative mechanism. This conclusion is reinforced by the observation that for X n -= SO,*-, Cl-: Br-, NO3-, and FI,O in the reaction there is an excellent linear correlation of slope I .O between A V,'$ ( = A Yq' at zero pressure) and the molar volume of reaction AV> which indicates that the Co-X is completely broken, and