Bank Syariah dalam beroperasional meningkatkan kinerja salah satunya ditentukan oleh faktor atau rasio Non Peforming Financing (NPF). Kinerja NPF dipengaruhi oleh Margin , Plafond dan Pelayanan Account Officer. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh Margin Pembiayaan, Plafond Pembiayaan dan Pelayanan Account Officer terhadap Non Peforming Financing (NPF) bank syariah, bank umum syariah dan bank pembiayaan rakyat syariah. Jenis Penelitian Kuantitatif dengan sampel semua perbankan syariah yang beroperasional di Kota Bukittinggi, responden 70 orang dan data dianalisis dengan analisis regresi linear berganda serta waktu penelitian dari Juni sampai Desember 2022.
Hasil penelitian, persamaan analisis regeresi linear berganda Y = 7,853 + 0,016X1 + 0,130X2 + 0,647X3, hasil uji F nilai Fhitung 30,940 > Ftabel 2,73, tingkat keyakinan 95% dan signifikan 0,05, disimpulkan pengaruh variabel independen (X1, X2 dan X3) terhadap variabel dependen (Y) dengan simultan. Hasil uji parameter individual menjawab hipotesis pertama diketahui Margin (X1) tidak mempengaruhi NPF secara sifnifikan, jawaban hipotesis kedua dan ketiga, Plafond dan Pelayanan Accoint Officer memiliki pengaruh terhadap NPF perbankan syariah.
Islamic banks in their operations improve performance, one of which is determined by the factor or ratio of Non-Performing Financing (NPF). NPF performance is influenced by Margin, Ceiling and Account Officer Services. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of Financing Margins, Financing Ceilings and Account Officer Services on Non-Performing Financing of Islamic banks, Islamic commercial banks and Sharia Rural Bank. Type of Quantitative Research with a sample of all Islamic banking operations in the City of Bukittinggi, 70 respondents and data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis and the research time was from June to December 2022.
The results of the study, the equation of multiple linear regression analysis, Y = 7.853 + 0.016X1 + 0.130X2 + 0.647X3, F value test results Fcount 30.940 > Ftable 2.73, 95% confidence level and 0.05 significant. concluded the effect of the independent variables (X1, X2 and X3) on the dependent variable (Y) simultaneously. The results of the individual parameter test answer the first hypothesis, it is known that Margin (X1) does not significantly affect NPF, the answers to the second and third hypotheses, Ceiling and Account Officer Services have an influence on NPF of Islamic banking.