Plasma pH can be altered during pregnancy and at labor. Membrane excitability of smooth muscle including uterine muscle is suppressed by the activation of K+ channels. Because contractility of uterine muscle is regulated by extracellular pH and humoral factors, K+ conductance could be connected to factors regulating uterine contractility during pregnancy. Here, we showed that TASK-2 inhibitors such as quinidine, lidocaine, and extracellular acidosis produced contraction in uterine circular muscle of mouse. Furthermore, contractility was significantly increased in pregnant uterine circular muscle than that of non-pregnant muscle. These patterns were not changed even in the presence of tetraetylammonium (TEA) and 4-aminopyridine (4-AP). Finally, TASK-2 inhibitors induced strong myometrial contraction even in the presence of L-methionine, a known inhibitor of stretchactivated channels in myometrium. When compared to non-pregnant myometrium, pregnant myometrium showed increased immunohistochemical expression of TASK-2. Therefore, TASK-2, seems to play a key role during regulation of myometrial contractility in the pregnancy and provides new insight into preventing preterm delivery.