A late Pleistocene palynological record of vegetation and climate is investigated from a 5m lignite section within terrestrial cover beds of the Ngarino Marine Terrace on Ararata Road, near Hawera, south Taranaki, New Zealand.The pollen assemblages are dominated throughout by high levels of pollen derived from gymnosperm trees. A lower zone (ARI) is characterised by high levels of pollen of Prumnopitys taxifolia, Libocedrus, shrubs and grass, interpreted to represent a stadia! phase with climate cooler and drier compared with present. A middle zone (AR2) is characterised by high levels of pollen of P. taxifolia, Dacrydium cupressinum, Metrosideros and spores of Cyathea dealbata-type and of the bryophyte Bryosporis anisopolaris Mildenhall and Bussell. Pollen values for Libocedrus and grass are low. These assemblages are similar to Holocene pollen spectra in the region but differ in containing high levels of Dracophyllum-type and Restionaceae pollen, and Gleichenia spores. The zone also lacks any significant levels of Ascarina lucida pollen, typical of interglacial maxima in this region, and is considered to represent an interstadial phase with climate approaching that of the present. The third zone (AR3) is characterised by high values for P. taxifolia, Nothofagus, shrub, and grass pollen with decreases in abundance of D. cupressinum and Metrosideros pollen, and C. dealbata-type spores in particular. This zone is considered to represent a transitional cooling phase leading into a stadia! period. Climate was initially cooler and drier than present but may have become wetter later.The Ngarino Terrace marine deposits that underlie the section provide a maximum age constraint of c. 210,000 yr, while tephra within the lignite are estimated to age 70,000-110,000 yr, and amino acid racemisation dating of a wood sample in the lignite provides an age estimate of c. 80,000 ± 20,000 yr. The lower pollen zone (ARI) is correlated with stadial oxygen isotope substage 5d, the middle zone (AR2) is correlated with interstadial substage 5c, and the upper zone (AR3) is correlated with early stadia! substage 5b. Climate during oxygen isotope substage 5c is inferred closely to have approached interglacial conditions similar to those of the present day.Libocedrus, Nothofagus menziesii, Halocarpus, Dracophyllum-type, and Gleichenia are some taxa which were growing near the Ararata Road Site at various times during oxygen isotope stage 5, but which are either not found in Taranaki today or are mainly restricted to higher altitudes or local areas in Taranaki.