The molecular motion in (CH3)3XC1, X = Sn and Pb has been investigated by measurement of the second moment M2(xH) as function of temperature in the range 95 < T,/K<345. The methyl groups in both compounds rotate freely over the whole temperature range studied. In (CH3)3SnCl the C'3-rotation of (CH3)3Sn-group about the Sn CI axis sets in above 273 K. To explain the NMR and INS results, the crystal structures of (CH3)3PbCl and CH3SnBr3 were determined by single X-ray diffraction. (CH3)3PbCl crystallizes in a monoclinic space group C2-C2, a = 1276.7(3) pm, £ > = 982.3(3) pm, c = 547.0(2) pm, 0 = 91.12(1)°; Z = 4, Ä = 0.035. CH3SnBr3 crystallizes in an or thorhombic space group D^-Pnma, a = 643.0(3) pm, b= 1005.3(4) pm, c= 1148.0(4) pm; Z = 4, R =0.057.M o le c u la r M o tio n s in ( C H 3) 3XC1, X = S n a n d P b .