SUMMARY1. Gastric emptying, gastric acid and pepsinogen secretion were assessed simultaneously in the conscious calf using the test meal and duodenal perfusion technique (Bell & Mostaghni, 1975).2. Duodenal infusion of NaCl at a constant osmolality of 300 m-osmole/kg, but with pH ranging from 2-0 to 12-0, did not alter the high level of gastric emptying and secretion already reported for isotonic NaCl or NaHCO3 alone (Bell & Mostaghni, 1975;Bell & Webber, 1979). Gastric function, therefore, is either unaffected by gastric chyme at pH 2-0-12-0 entering the duodenum, or else isotonicity is dominant over pH in activating duodenal receptors which increase motor activity.3. When the pH of the isotonic NaCl was reduced by the addition of HC1 to below pH 2-0, inhibition of gastric function occurred in direct proportion to the amount of titratable acid present in the infusate. The H+ moiety of isotonic duodenal infusates of pH < 2-0 dominates activation of osmoreceptors and so inhibits motor activity.4. When the same amount of acid but at differing concentrations and infusion rates was introduced into the duodenum uniform inhibition of gastric function occurred. This result indicates that duodenal acid receptors respond to acid concentration and flow rate to produce an integrated response in proportion to the amount (concentration x volume) of acid present.5. Isotonic NaHCO3 solutions adjusted to pH 8-1-12-0 by the addition of NaOH, like isotonic NaCl infusions, did not affect gastric function until pH 11 0-12-0, when significant inhibition occurred. This inhibitory effect of isotonic NaHCO3 at high pH is probably due to C032, since Na2CO3 and Li2CO3, but not LiCl, produce a similar inhibitory effect on gastric function.6. The inhibitory effect of carbonate gives some support to the existence of a C02-sensor as suggested by Hunt & Knox (1972)