RICHTER, M., TŘINÁCTÝ, J., KŘÍŽOVÁ, L.: Comparison of actual and predicted amino acid contents in the duodenal digesta of dairy cows. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2010, LVIII, No. 5, pp. 313-320 In this experiment on three dairy cows with the ruminal and duodenal T-cannulas, the actual and predicted amino acid (AA) profi les of the protein fraction fl owed to the small intestine were compared. The prediction was calculated by two methods: with the use of mean published AA profi le of microbial protein and of experimentally determined one. The actual AA profi le of digesta protein was corrected for glycine (Gly) of bile origin. In comparison to the published AA profi le of microbial protein the use of the actual one did not contribute to an improvement of prediction accuracy (mean prediction error: 7.36 vs. 7.54 %, respectively). Inaccurate determination of AA composition of undegraded feed protein and the insuffi cient correction for Gly of bile origin were the probable sources of the residual variability. amino acids, dairy cow, duodenum, microbial protein, prediction