The aim of the present study is to examine mental health, quality of life, acedia and spiritual dryness in patients suffering from chronic diseases.
Materials and method: Data were collected by special design instrument for the needs of the present study. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were applied and the analysis was carried out with IBM SPSS 26 and JASP 0.14.01.
Results: From the total of 210 participants, 106 (50.4%) were male, the mean age was 62.9 years, and the majority of them were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. 50 (23.8%) of the participants suffer from anxiety and 39 (18.6%) from depression. In addition, 17.1% experience phases of spiritual dryness frequently or regularly. Physical quality of life component, was associated with the following variables: live from faith, psychological wellbeing, type of disease and age. This model can predict 31.1% of the variance. In terms of psychological wellbeing, the variables living arrangement, awe/gratitude, anxiety, and spiritual dryness can interpret 41.5% of the variance. When it comes to depression, we found that wellbeing, awe/gratitude are predictors of depressive symptoms, explaining at least 14.1% of the variance. Finally, anxiety can be predicted by wellbeing, awe/gratitude, and the type of the disease, interpreting 17.2% of the variance.
Conclusions: Patients suffering from chronic diseases are experiencing spiritual dryness and acedia symptoms, and those aspects can be associated with various domains of health and wellbeing.