Summar y : A practical method has been developed that, using II COZ and positron emission tomography (PET), computes and maps (a) "effective pH" (pH,), a weighted average of intra-and extracellular pH, and (b) "clearance" (K\), product of blood flow and llCOZ ex traction. This method, together with measurements of ce rebral blood flow (CBF) and oxygen extraction fraction (OEF), was applied to 12 patients with cerebral ischemia or stroke. The regional K\ was positively correlated with CBF (n = +0.78). The k\/CBF ratio, representing the extraction fraction ratio of llCOZ to H/50, was nega tively correlated with CBF (r = -0.54), suggesting that I leoz extraction decreases as flow increases. In five acute stroke patients within 2 days of onset, the injured cortex had lower CBF (20.6 mi/min/IOO g), higher OEF Brain pH is tightly regulated by physicochemical buffering, by metabolic breakdown and production of acids, and perhaps by active transport of H + or HC03 -. Such tight control is necessary at least in part because of the pH dependence of the activity of several enzymes involved in energy metabolism and Received March 13, 1989; revised June 5, 1989; accepted June 8, 1989 Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. N. M. Alpert at Division of Nuclear Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Fruit Street, Boston , MA 02 114, U.S.A.Abbreviations used: ANOVA, analysis of variance; CBF, ce rebral blood flow; CBV, cerebral blood volume; CMR02 , cere bral metabolic rate of 02; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; CT, com puted tomography; DMO, 5,5-dimethyl-2,4-oxazolidinedione; FWHM, full width at half-maximum; GLM , General Linear Model; OEF, oxygen extraction fraction; OM, orbitomeatal; PET, positron emission tomography; ROI, region of interest; TIA, transient ischemic attack.
859(78. 1 %), and lower pH, (6.96) than the contralateral cor tex (CBF = 41.4 mi/min/IOO g, OEF = 53.3%, pH, = 7.00), suggesting intracellular acidosis with intact cell membranes. In three stroke patients 5-8 days after onset, the injured cortex had higher CBF (60.9 mllmin/IOO g), lower OEF (32.0%), and higher pH, (7. 12) than the con tralateral cortex (CBF = 45.3 ml/min/IOO g, OEF = 58.0%, pH, = 7.06), which suggested an increase in ex tracellular volume compartment reflecting loss of cell membrane integrity. This method provides information on the regional tissue acid-base status and cell membrane integrity, which may be prognostic of tissue viability. Ke y Words: Brain pH-Positron emission tomography \\ COz-Stroke-Cerebral acid-base status-Hydrogen ion concentration .