This paper aims to investigate the performance of adaptive slotted-ALOHA direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) over a multipath fading channel with capture effects. The transmission rate control algorithm has been proposed in response to current traffic conditions. Furthermore, since the performance of S-ALOHA DS CDMA shall decrease in the presence of fading channel environments the capture effect technique has been subsequently proposed. Accordingly, the effectiveness of the throughputs relies on the value of capture probability and the probability of packets being successfully sent. Research indicates that the throughputs of S-ALOHA DS-CDMA (using the following transmission rates: v b/s, 2v b/s, 4v b/s) with capture effects and adaptive S-ALOHA DS-CDMA with capture effects shall increase inverse proportionally to the length of bits (B), the value of different number of paths L p , as well as capture ratios Q.