“…Generally there is an initial alerting effect of the drug accompanied by increased exploratory behavior, grooming, rearing, and forward locomotion, later by a decrease in these activities concomitant with various stereotype behaviors, with marked species varations (see . The above description sterns from studies in rats (EHRICH and KRUMBHAAR, 1937;EHRICH et al, 1939;HAUSCHILD, 1938;SEARLE and BROWN, 1938;HEIMSTRA, 1962a, b;SILVERMAN, 1966;RANDRUP and MUNKVAD, 1967a, b;FOG, 1969;SCHI0RRING, 1971;NORTON, 1973), but similar gross behavioral effects have been observed in mice (e.g., GUNN et al, 1939;UTENA, 1966;RANDRUP and MUNKVAD, 1967a;SATINDER et al, 1970;RICHARD-SON et al, 1972), guinea pigs (UTENA et al, 1959;UTENA, 1966;RANDRUP and MUNKVAD, 1967a;LEWANDER, 1971 c;, rabbits (EHR ICH et aL 1939;BRODlE and SHORE, 1957;LAVERTY and SHARMAN, 1965), cats (EHRICH et al, 1939;WHITE et al, 1961;LAVERTY and SHARMAN, 1965;NORTON, 1967;RANDRUP and MUNKVAD, 1967a;ELLINWOOD and ESCALANTE, 1970a;ELLINWOOD, 1971 b;BELOZERTSEV, 1974), dogs (EHRICH et al, 1939;CHISTONI and BECCARI, 1940;AccoRNERo, 1947;LAVERTY and SHARMAN, 1965;WILLNER et al, 1970;BUYNISKI et al, 1974), monkeys (EHRICH et al, 1939;FITZ-GERALD...…”