The research described in this thesis was carried out the Catalytic Processes and Materials (CPM) group of the University of Twente, The Netherlands. I acknowledge financial support for my PhD study from China Scholarship Council (CSC). Cover design: Yingnan Zhao Motivation: The idea of the cover design raised when my friend, Bert Geerdink, suggested me to find some artistic likeness of the catalysts prepared for this research. An image of Chinese classical ink painting came to my mind when looking at the TEM images for the Pd nanoparticles supported on activated carbon. The image showing on the front cover is part of the painting "Peaceful moment on a water-flow pavilion" (水阁清幽图) by Huang Gongwang (黄公望, 1269-1354), a great painter born during the later Song Dynasty. The trees on the mountains have some similarity with the image of blank Pd nanoparticles distributed on sheet-like carbon material. Furthermore, the mountains also implies the long journey I have taken during the five-year PhD study, like the maxim on the back cover, given by Qu Yuan (屈原) more than 2000 years ago: "The journey will be endless and tough, and I will seek my beauty high and low with my will unbending" (路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索). The Chinese calligraphy was written by my grandfather, Zhao Dizun (赵弟尊).