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SUPPLEMENTARY NOTESReport contains color. PA Case Number: 88ABW-2011-3415; Clearance Date: 14 Jun 2011.
ABSTRACTThe overall aim of this effort was to provide fit-for-purpose testing and subject matter expertise to UTC and AFRL to support the evaluation of emerging synthetic aviation fuels. The report contains information on the evaluations of various synthetic aviation fuels including: Sasol IPK, R-8 HRJ SPK, R-8x HRJ SPK, Boeing Flight Fuels, Camelina HRJ SPK, Camelina/JP-8 (HRJ8), R-8/Jet A, Tallow HRJ SPK and Tallow/JP-8 (HRJ8). In addition, miscellaneous analyses including dielectric constants of the synthetic aviation fuels, lubricity, Ignition Quality Tests (IQT), JP-8+100 fuel/water separation tests (SAE J1488) and existent gums are reported. It is concluded that the testing performed to date provides strong evidence that blends composed of 50% synthetic aviation fuel (FT IPK and HRJ SPK) and 50% petroleum-based fuel will be more than adequate as drop-in replacements for current petroleum-based fuels.
SUBJECT TERMSalternative fuels, synthetic aviation fuel, Fischer-Tropsch fuel (FT), fuel certification, hydrotreated renewable jet (HRJ), iso-paraffinic kerosene (IPK), synthetic paraffinic kerosene (SPK)
List of FiguresFigure Page 1
List of TablesApproved for public release; distribution unlimited.
Executive SummaryThe overall aim of this effort was to provide fit-for-purpose testing and subject matter expertise to UTC and AFRL to support the evaluation of emerging synthetic aviation fuels. This report contains information on the evaluation of various synthetic aviation fuels including: Sasol IPK, R-8 HRJ SPK, R-8x HRJ SPK, Boeing Flight Fuels, Camelina HRJ SPK, Camelina/JP-8 (HRJ8), R-8/Jet A, Tallow HRJ SPK and Tallow/JP-8 (HRJ8). In addition to standardized testing, detailed studies were carried out in the following areas: dielectric constants, lubricity, ignition quality, fuel/water separation, and ...