The unemployed from vocational high schools (SMK) is still high. Several factors, including the low job readiness of vocational students and the small availability of jobs, cause the high unemployment rate for vocational schools. This study aims to develop a learning model of Integrated Project Based Learning (PjBL-T) and test the effectiveness of the PjBL-T model in preparing vocational students' job readiness. The design of this study adopted the Richey and Klein model stages. This research was carried out in three stages: model development, internal validation, and external validation. This study used research subjects consisting of 10 vocational teachers, ten industrial practitioners, and 54 Automotive Engineering SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Tempel students. The research objects used were SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Tempel, Jogjakarta Automotive Center (OJC) Auto Service, Barokah Auto Service, Astra Daihatsu Armada, and Gadjah Mada Auto Service. The data collection techniques used were focus group discussions (FGD), questionnaires, and practice assessment sheets. Data were analyzed descriptively. The PjBL-T model is feasible and can be applied according to the learning objectives. The effectiveness of increasing student work readiness tested limited and expanded and improved very well with a score of 3.27.