Abstrak: Pernikahan dini pada masyarakat Suku Banjar bukan merupakan isu baru bahkan telah menjadi fenomena sosial yang dikenal sebagai bagian dari kebiasaan masyarakat. Tujuan program untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan remaja Suku Banjar tentang pernikahan dini dan menyediakan metode inovatif berorientasi pada budaya lokal. Metode pembelajaran dan pelatihan aktif berkonsep games hasil pengembangan metode emotional demontration berupa A Behavioral Centred Design (ABCD) berbahasa Banjar dibagi 4 sesi (comprehensive card, factor card, impact card, dan good bad card). Sasaran program adalah kader posyandu remaja Desa Awang Besar berusia 10-18 tahun berjumlah 8 orang. Evaluasi dilakukan pada setiap sesi dan secara general (sebelum-sesudah program dijalankan). Didapat hasil terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan remaja sebesar 14,7% tentang pernikahan dini, sasaran telah mampu berfikir kritis dan peningkatan pemahaman sebesar 13,3%, sasaran mampu berfikir secara luas dalam memandang sebuah tantangan dan mampu menemukan solusi (15,0%), terjadi peningkatan pemahaman bagaimana mencegah pernikahan dini sebesar 17,8%. Secara general, terdapat peningkatan kapasitas diri remaja sebesar 19,4%. Pendekatan ABCD berbasis kultural dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan remaja.Abstract: Early marriage in the Banjar tribe community is not a new issue and has even become a social phenomenon known as part of community customs. The program aims to increase Banjar tribe youth's knowledge about early marriage and provide innovative methods oriented to local culture. Active learning and training with the concept of a game is the result of the development of the emotional demonstration method in the form of Behavioral Centered Design (BCD) in the Banjar language, which is divided into 4 sessions (comprehensive cards, factor cards, impact cards, and good, bad cards). The target of the program is 8 youth posyandu cadres aged 10-18 years in Awang Besar Village. Evaluation is done at each session and in general (before and after the program is run). The results showed that there was an increase in teenagers' knowledge of 14.7% about early marriage, the target was able to think critically and increased understanding by 13.3%, the target was able to think broadly in looking at a challenge and was able to find a solution (15.0%), this occurred. Increased understanding of how to prevent early marriage by 17.8%. In general, there was an increase in adolescents' self-capacity by 19.4%. A culturally based BCD approach can increase adolescents' knowledge.