Injection, through the cervical canal, of wax into the lumen of the uterine horn of spayed rats treated with a mixture of ostradiol-17 ,B, progesterone and relaxin, produced an increase in the total collagen content of the horn (estimated by determination of hydroxyproline). This occurred as a later phenomenon in a general growth process, accompanied by increase in the weight of the horn and cell division.Counts of the proportion of nuclei in mitosis after a single injection of wax showed increase within 24 hr., subsiding in 4 days. Estimates of total numbers of nuclei in the horn were also made in sections of fixed material from undistended and distended horns 4 Harkness, 1956 b]. These observations indicate that the mechanical effect of distension is a major factor in stimulating collagen formation, but do not exclude the possibility of a local hormonal stimulus arising from the fcetus. It therefore seemed of interest to investigate the effect of distension directly. Wax was introduced through the cervical canal and was found to induce collagen formation associated with a general growth response, involving cell division in all layers of the uterine wall.A preliminary account of this work has already been published [Cullen and Harkness, 1959].MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals. Virgin albino rats of the local strain, about 3 months old, were spayed by the dorsal route 2-4 weeks before experiments. Animals were selected for inclusion in the different experimental groups by reference to a table of random numbers.Treatment. In preliminary experiments on normal animals, it was found that material placed in the uterus was frequently expelled. As it was undesirable to prevent this by physical obstruction, we attempted to simulate the hormonal conditions in pregnancy when the uterus does not expel its contents. We used the following treatment which had previously been found to bring the cervix into a state resembling that of the second half of pregnancy [Cullen and Harkness, 1960]: Day 0. CEstradiol cyclopentyl propionate (Depo-estradiol, Upjohn) 10 ,ug. in 0*1 ml. olive oil subcutaneously.