Aiming at the requirement of lightweight and corrosion resistance, superplastic diffusion bonding of 2205 duplex stainless steel was studied. The results showed that during the pretreatment procedure, with the increase of pre-solution temperature from 1050 to 1350 • C, cold roll reduction from 50 to 85 %, the joint shear strength was improved after bonded under the same condition. The pretreatment of solution at 1350 • C and cold rolled by 85 % was a better choice for the diffusion bonding of 2205 duplex stainless steel. During the bonding process, the critical value of holding time, holding pressure, and bonding temperature were determined as 5 min, 10 MPa, and 1000 • C, before which the joint shear strength was fast increased and after which it was slowly increased or even decreased. Due to the σ-phase dispersed along with the interface after bonded, post-solution treatment was considered, and after post-solution at 1050 • C for 10 min, the best joint shear strength of 685 MPa was obtained.