I'ALASTI, S . The effect of thyroidectomy on the hypothalamus of the rat with special reference to the hyfiothalamic. hj'pophyseal neurosecretory system. Acta physiol. scand. 1967. 70. 80-87. With male adult albino rats for experimental animals, the effects of operative thyroparathyroidectomy and of thyroidectomy accomplished with radioactive iodine on the nuclear volume of the ganglion cells in the nuclei of the hypothalamus were studied. In addition, the amount and distribution of aldehyde-fuchsin-positive neurosecretory material under these experimental conditions were studied. The changes were similar in rats ectomized by either procedure. In comparison to untreated control animals, the nuclear volume of the ganglion cells decreased in all nuclei investigated. The change was statistically highly significant in most instances. The amount of neurosecretory material seemed to decrease, on the strength of visual assessment, both in the neurohypophysis and in the median eminence. The depletion of the material in the neurohypophysis could also he demonstrated by photometric measurement. From the results the inference was drawn that a decrease m the activity of the hypothalamus occurs after thyroidectomy. At the same time also the activity of the neurosecretory system goes down, which is reflected by depletion of the neurosecretion. No sharply localized regulatory centre could be shown for the pituitary-thyroid interplay because the entire hypothalamus reacted in identical manner.