Abstract. The thermodynamic and magnetocaloric properties of a generalized spin-(1/2, s) Fisher's super-exchange antiferromagnet are exactly investigated by using the decoration-iteration mapping transformation. Besides the critical temperature, sublattice magnetization, total magnetization, entropy and specific heat, the isothermal entropy change and adiabatic temperature change are rigorously calculated in order to examine cooling efficiency of the model in a vicinity of the first-and second-order phase transitions. It is shown that an enhanced inverse magnetocaloric effect occurs around the temperature interval T c (B = 0) T < T c (B = 0) for any magnetic-field change ∆B : 0 → B. The most pronounced inverse magnetocaloric effect can be found nearby the critical field, which corresponds to the zero-temperature phase transition from the long-range ordered ground state to the paramagnetic one. The observed phenomenon increases with the increasing value of decorating spins. Furthermore, sufficiently high values of decorating spins have also linked to a possibility of observing reentrant phase transitions at finite temperatures.