This research was conducted to find out the effect of probiotic bacteria Bacillus amiloliquifaciens and jengkol peel extract (Archidendron jiringa) on the productivity of male Magelang ducks. The treatments in this study were given through water consists of four treatments and five replicants. The treatments in this study were: P0 = Water (without the addition of probiotics and jengkol peel extract, P1 = Water with the addition of 0.5% probiotics + 0.05% jengkol peel extract, P2 = Water with the addition of 1% probiotics + 0.1% jengkol peel extract, P3 = Water with the addition of 1.5% probiotics + 0.15 jengkol peel extract, and P4 = Water with the addition of 2% probiotic + 0.2% jengkol peel extract. Data obtained were analyzed by ANOVA and continued by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test if the results were different. The results showed that the administration of Bacillus amiloliquifaciens and jengkol peel extract had no significant effect on feed intake, water intake, daily weight gain, body weight, and feed conversion of male Magelang ducks (P>0.05). It is concluded that administration of probiotics Bacillus amiloliquifaciens did not improve the performance of male Magelang ducks. Further research is needed on the effectiveness of probiotic bacteria in the intestinal of male Magelang ducks.