To elucidate the anti-proliferative effect of noni (Morinda citrifolia) fruit extract for a Saccharomyces cerevisiae model organism, analysis of gene expression changes related to cell cycle associated with inhibition effect of noni fruit extract was carried out. Anti-proliferative of noni fruit extract was analyzed using gene expression changes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strains FY833 and BY4741). Transcriptional analysis of genes that play a role in cell cycle was conducted by growing cells on YPDAde broth medium containing 1% (w/v) noni fruit extract, and then subjected using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Transcriptional level of genes CDC6 (Cell Division Cycle-6), CDC20 , FAR1 (Factor ARrest-1), FUS3 (FUSsion-3), SIC1 (Substrate/Subunit Inhibitor of Cyclin-dependent protein kinase-1), WHI5 (WHIskey-5), YOX1 (Yeast homeobOX-1) and YHP1 (Yeast Homeo-Protein-1) increased, oppositely genes expression of DBF4 (DumbBell Forming), MCM1 (Mini Chromosome Maintenance-1) and TAH11 (Topo-A Hypersensitive-11) decreased, while the expression level of genes CDC7 (Cell Division Cycle-7), MBP1 (MIul-box Binding Protein-1) and SWI6 (SWItching deficient-6) relatively unchanged. These results indicated that gene expression changes might associate with anti-proliferative effect from noni fruit extract. These gene expressions changes lead to the growth inhibition of S.cerevisiae cell because of cell cycle defect.
Keywords : Morinda citrifolia, Noni fruit, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, anti-proliferative
ABSTRAKElusidasi efek anti-proliferasi buah mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia) pada organisme model Sacharomyces cerevisiae, melalui analisis perubahan ekspresi gen-gen berkaitan dengan siklus sel yang berasosiasi dengan efek inhibisi ekstrak buah noni. Anti-proliferasi ekstrak buah noni dianalisis menggunakan perubahan ekspresi gen Saccharomyces cerevisiae (galur FY833 dan BY4741). Analisis transkripsi gen-gen yang berperan dalam siklus sel dilakukan dengan menumbuhkan sel pada medium cair YPDAde mengandung 1% (b/v) ekstrak buah mengkudu, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Level transkripsi gen-gen CDC6 (Cell Division Cycle-6), CDC20 and SWI6 (SWItching deficient-6) relatif tidak berubah. Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa perubahan ekspresi gen berasosiasi dengan efek anti-proliferasi ekstrak buah noni. Perubahan ekspresi gen tersebut menuju hambatan pertumbuhan sel S.cerevisiae karena kerusakan siklus selnya.