A good measure of cation-exchange capacity at field pH was obtained by equilibrium leaching with 0.025M CaCb and estimating the quantity of Ca retained in the soil by a weighing procedure, but not by washing with ethanol. Except on soils with very high levels of exchangeable aluminium, equilibrium leaching with a solution containing 2.0, 0.5, 0.4, and O.4mM of CaS04, MgS04, KCl, and KH2P04 respectively gave values of total adsorbed cations very similar to cation-exchange capacity obtained with 0.025M CaCI2. The multiple cation solution can be used to rank soils according to their affinity for individual cations. Effective relative affinities and effective cation-exchange capacity therefore can be assessed with the same solution.It was found that the selectivity of soils for cations, and therefore the ratio of affinities for a pair of cations, greatly varies with pH.