Metastatic breast cancer (MBC) is still an incurable disease, which eventually develops resistance mechanisms against systemic therapies. While most patients experience widespread disease progression during systemic treatment (ST), in some cases, progression may occur at a limited number of metastatic sites. Evidence from other malignancies suggests that local treatment with stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) of oligoprogressive disease (OPD) may allow effective disease control without the need to modify ST. Available evidence regarding local treatment of oligoprogressive breast cancer is limited, mostly consisting of retrospective studies. The only randomized data come from the randomized CURB trial, which enrolled patients with oligoprogressive disease, including both small cell lung cancer and breast cancer patients, and did not show a survival benefit from local treatment in the latter group. However, local treatment of oligoprogressive MBC is still considered in clinical practice, especially to delay the switch to more toxic STs. This review aims to identify patients who may benefit from this approach based on the current available knowledge, focusing also on the potential risks associated with the combination of radiotherapy (RT) and ST, as well as on possible future scenarios.