Objective: This study aimed to develop a theoretical form based on Lawshe’s method in order to evaluate the presentations in the light of scientific and objective criteria in educational environments. Materials and Methods: In this respect, literature was reviewed and a items pool was created, then a draft form was created by taking expert opinion (n: 12), and finally the trial form was re-submitted to the expert assessment (n: 25). The form was finalized by calculating the content validity ratio (CVR), content validity index (CVI) and the Fleiss Kappa coefficient. Results: In Lawshe’s method, the content validity ratio (CVR) should be at the significance level (α) = 0.05 with a minimum value of 0.44, so that the findings obtained from 25 experts can be considered valid. For this reason, CVR was calculated for each item in the trial form and all items were found to be above the required level of 0.44. In the next step, CVI was computed for the obtained 20 items, and determined as 0.88. The content validity of the form was concluded to be statistically significant since the value of CVI (0.88) was observed to be higher than CVR (0.44). Concordance between experts was examined for the reliability of the form. To this end, Cohen kappa coefficient was calculated and found to be 0.84.
Conclusion: As a result, Kanbay form which was developed to evaluate students’ presentations in educational programs in an objective and scientific way, was concluded to be statistically valid and reliable.