The use of language in a communication is influenced by the participants' culture. The language used in spoken communication reflects belief system and norm developed in a certain society. Different dialects acquired by people cause different ways of using language as communication media, including local language, to convey purpose and meaning communicatively to the participants. There are specific forms used by speaker and listener having two different dialects. This research uses ethnography of communication involving speech aspects to elaborate various factors that influence language choices. It is simply reveals in the research findings that language choices are used (1) to explain certain meaning that has no translational equivalence in Indonesian Language, (2) to create more intimate atmosphere among the graduates, (3) to exclude or minimalize the lecturer's power restriction, (4) to convey particular implication of a speech act, (5) to show the degree of rejection and/or acceptance towards something and to show sympathy or empathy by using certain vocative, (6) and to create conducive classroom atmosphere. Furthermore, the factors of local language choice used in higher education academic discourse context are influenced by the participants' culture, academic background, intimacy, social status, family environment, age, and gender.