Regardless of the season, cough is one of the most common reasons for visiting a doctor, especially during the period of a high incidence of acute respiratory infections and other diseases manifested by cough, including long-term cough (laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, asthma, and other diseases). Patients often seek medical advice at a pharmacy without first seeing a doctor. In most cases, the cough is a protective reflex that helps to clear the accumulated bronchial secretion; however, it can significantly worsen the patient's condition and quality of life in adults and children. It negatively impacts the quality of life when the cough is still dry and unproductive, or the sputum is very thick. The article addresses various aspects of using herbal medicinal products of the Herbion series for various cough types, including post-infectious cough. Evidence supports using herbal medicinal products for dry and productive cough and a novel product from the Herbion series, Iceland moss syrup, for treating dry cough, including in children from 1 year.