The youth with developmental disorders have substantial limitations in intellectual capacities and adaptive behaviors. For them to live independently as members of the local society after they graduate from high school, a continuous education in consideration of individual and environmental differences should be accompanied. The computer education can be a useful tool in their integration into the local society by 'Expansion of universality and the equality of education'. Particularly, the computer education as a transitional educational process can be of practical help for them to sustain independent and daily lives in the adult world. In this regard, this writing reviews 1) the integration into the local society of the youth with developmental disorders and the transitional education, 2) the significance and meaning of computer education for the youth with developmental disorders, and 3) the status of computer education for the youth with developmental disorders to present improvements for the computer education of the youth with development disorders.키워드 : 발달장애청소년, 지역사회적응, 컴퓨터교육, 전환기교육