Benzodiazepine (BZ) site ligands affect vigilance, anxiety, memory processes, muscle tone and epileptogenic propensity through modulation of neurotransmission at GABA A receptors containing α 1 , α 2 , α 3 or α 5 subunits, and may have numerous experimental and clinical applications. The ability of nonselective BZ site inverse agonists to enhance cognition, documented in animal models and human studies, is clinically not feasible due to potentially unacceptable psychomotor effects. Most investigations to date have proposed the α 1 and/or α 5 subunit-containing GABA A receptors as comprising the memory-modulating population of these receptors. The novel ligand PWZ-029, which we synthesised and characterized electrophysiologically, possesses in vitro binding selectivity and moderate inverse agonist functional selectivity at α 5 -containing GABA A receptors. This ligand has also been examined in rats in the passive and active avoidance, spontaneous locomotor activity, elevated plus maze and grip strength tests, primarily predictive of the effects on the memory acquisition, basal locomotor activity, anxiety level and muscle tone, respectively. The improvement of task learning was detected at the dose of 5 mg/kg in the passive, but not active avoidance test. The inverse agonist PWZ-029 had no effect on anxiety or muscle tone, whereas at higher doses (10 and 20 mg/kg) it decreased locomotor activity. This effect was antagonized by flumazenil and also by the lower (but not the higher) dose of an agonist (SH-053-R-CH3-2'F) selective for GABA A receptors containing the α 5 subunit. The hypolocomotor effect of PWZ-029 was not antagonized by the