Currently, various modifications to surfaces are made more and more frequently in order to improve implants' haemocompatibility. The main criterion determining the applicability of the respective surface-modification method is obtaining a product featuring suitable functional properties. These properties depend to a great extent on the corrosion resistance in the environment of human blood. Subject-matter literature does not devote much attention to the sterilisation process for titanium and cpTi alloys with surface modifications. A problem that still remains unsolved is the selection of a proper test showing the full characteristics of their behaviour contact with a blood environment during the time that the implant is used. Therefore, the authors of this study made an attempt to evaluate the impact of medical sterilisation methods, i.e., the ethylene oxide anodic oxide and SiO2 layer, by means of the sol-gel method. The efficiency of the suggested technology for oxide layer application was evaluated on the basis of mechanical and electrochemical tests. Sterilisation in ethylene oxide and steam had a favourable influence on the electrochemical and mechanical properties of cpTi, irrespective of the method of surface preparation. In order to simulate real conditions, the tests were performed in artificial plasma at a temperature of T = 37 ± 1°C and pH = 7.0 ± 0.2. The results proved the diversification of electrochemical properties of the oxide layers, depending on the technological parameters of its application. The suggestion of proper variants of the surface modification with the application of electrochemical and chemical methods is of long-range importance and will contribute to the development of technological conditions with specific parameters for the creation of oxide layers on metallic implants made of cpTi. Keywords: cpTi (Grade 4), SiO 2 , TiO 2 , mechanical properties, electrochemical properties Vedno pogosteje se opravljajo razli~ne modifikacije povr{ine, da bi se izbolj{ala hemokompatibilnost vsadkov. Glavni kriterij, ki dolo~a uporabnost metode za modifikacijo povr{ine je, da proizvod poka`e primerne funkcionalne lastnosti. Te lastnosti so v veliki meri odvisne od korozijske odpornosti v~love{ki krvi. Obstoje~a literatura ne posve~a velike pozornosti postopku sterilizacije titana in cpTi zlitin z modificirano povr{ino. Problem, ki {e ni re{en, je izbira primernega preizkusa, ki bi pokazal vse zna~ilnosti o obna{anju stika s krvjo med uporabo vsadka. Zato so avtorji v tej {tudiji poizkusili oceniti vpliv medicinskih metod sterilizacije, kot je etilen oksid anodni oksid in SiO2 plast izdelano s pomo~jo metode sol-gel. Predlagana tehnologija uporabe oksidnega sloja je bila ocenjena z mehanskimi in elektrokemijskimi preizkusi. Sterilizacija v etilen oksidu in pari je imela ugodne vplive na elektrokemijske in mehanske lastnosti cpTi, ne glede na na~in priprave povr{ine. Za simulacijo realnih pogojev so bili preizkusi izvr{eni v umetni plazmi pri temperaturi T = 37 ± 1°C in pH = 7,0 ± 0,2. Dobljeni rezu...