The primary to high school student population in Jamaica has become more academically diverse, and schools are experiencing the pressures of implementing reform programs without adequate financial and professional development support. The schools facing the greatest challenges and needs in Jamaica are often those in the rural areas. Researchers applied the instructional consultation (IC) model to establish collaborative partnerships with educators in rural Jamaica for the purpose of sharing instructional experiences in literacy and mathematics. A definition of IC, the aspect of the model used, and a description of the project and outcomes are provided. Finally, lessons learned relating to the difficulties of staying true to the consultation process and future directions of this partnership are highlighted.The current climate in education is replete with reforms aimed at teacher evaluation, student accountability, and delivery of strong core curricula. Against this backdrop, we often hear the buzzwords evidence-based strategies and students' response or resistance to interventions. These terms tend to accompany a Response to Intervention (RtI) initiative or a problem-solving approach to understanding student performance. RtI is a multitiered approach of allocating resources to students who are struggling academically and behaviorally (Fuchs & Fuchs, 2006. It is a school-based problemCorrespondence should be sent to Stacy A. S. Williams, Marist College, 307 308 S. A. S. Williams and M. L. Staulterssolving model designed to identify and meet the learning needs of students. In order to implement such a program with fidelity and integrity, the research literature proposes that practitioners and educators need to develop knowledge of core concepts of RtI. They need to know about (a) universal screening measures in identifying students who require additional support, (b) the link between progress monitoring and making informed decisions, and (c) the use of growth-sensitive measures to document progress. Practitioners and educators also need to know how to make informed decisions using single case design logic and where to find evidence-based programs and strategies to support student learning.General educators are primarily responsible for RtI initiatives and, for the most part, they have not been trained in many of the required skills. The instructional consultation (IC) model provides a framework by which general educators and problem-solving teams can be provided with the necessary tools for supporting student success (Rosenfield, 1995(Rosenfield, , 2008. In the following discussion, we highlight the use of this framework in establishing collaborative partnerships with educators in rural Jamaica. We describe the educational initiatives on the island that provided the opportunity to initiate and engage in collaborative dialogue. A definition of IC and the aspects of the model used are provided, and we describe the consultative partnerships initiated in 2007 from preparation to follow-up. To conclude, lessons learned a...