Effects of an Acute Dose of Gamma Radiation Exposure on Stem Diameter Growth, Carbon Gain, and _BiomassPartitioning in Helianthus annuus by Michael E. Thiede Chairperson of the Supervisory Committee: Professor Joseph P. Geraci Radiological Sciences GroupNineteen-day-old dwarf sunflower plants (Helianthus annuus, variety NK894) received a variable dose (0-40 Gy) from a cobalt-60 gamma source. A very sensitive stem monitoring device, deve!oped at Battelle's Pacific NorJawest Laboratories, Richland, Washington was used to measure real-time changes in stem diameter. Exposure of plants caused a significant reduction in stem growth and root biomass. Doses as low as 5 Gy resulted in a significant increase in leaf density, suggesting that nonreversible morphological growth changes could be induced by very low doses of radiation. Carbohydrate analysis of 40-Gy irradiated plants deu,onstrated significantly more starch content in leaves and significantly less starch content in stems 18 days after exposure than did co_:trolplants. In contrast, the carbohydrate content in roots of • ,, 40-Gv irradiated plants were not significantly different from unirradiated plants 18 days after exposure. These results indicate that radiation either decreased phloem transport or reduced the " availability of sugar reducing enzymes in irradiated plants.