Direction du Patrimoine de I'edition 395, rue Wellington Ottawa ON K1A 0N4 Canada Bien que ces formulaires aient inclus dans la pagination, il n'y aura aucun contenu manquant. i * i Canada Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.A t the end o f this "journey" , I w ould like to thank a num ber o f people who contributed in their ow n w ay to the m aking and the com pletion o f this work. First, m y thanks go to m y supervisor, Dr. H ym ie Anisman, for supervising this project and for his help and advice that im proved me and m atured m e as a student. M any thanks to Dr. K im M atheson for her input in this project, her time, cooperation, advice and invaluable guidance for the statistical analysis. I thank m y com m ittee m embers, Dr. John Zelenski and Dr. Steven M urphy for their tim e and feedback on m y work, Dr. Peter Fried for chairing m y defense and Dr. Jerzy K ulczycki for conducting the cortisol assays o f this project. I w ould also like to thank the graduate students who assisted in the administration o f the experim ent and collection o f data: Ritu, Kelly, Marc, Chris and Owen. But most o f all, I w ould like to thank Ersin A sliturk for his w onderful cooperation and for being a great confederate. M any thanks to Etelle Bourassa and N atalie Pressburger for their assistance and for always being kind and friendly. I thank m y friends N ectaria, Helen, Cezar, N ahid and Agnes for sharing their experiences and tim e w ith m e and for supporting me and m otivating me, each in their own way.A big thank you to Tim, for being the person that he is, for his patience, understanding and for being there for me, always.Finally, thank-you to m y fam ily in Greece for their love and support; m y sisters M pia and K aterina, and m y m other Y iota to w hom this thesis is dedicated.iv Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.