Severe infections, often requiring intensive care unit (ICU) admission, have been associated with persistent cognitive dysfunction. Less severe infections are more common and whether they are associated with an increased risk of dementia is unclear. We determined the association of pneumonia hospitalization with risk of dementia in well-functioning older adults.
Secondary analysis of a randomized multicenter trial to determine the effect of Gingko biloba on incident dementia.
Setting and Subjects
Community volunteers (n=3069) with a median follow-up of 6.1 years.
Measurement and Main Results
We identified pneumonia hospitalizations using ICD-9CM codes and validated them in a subset. Less than 3% of pneumonia cases necessitated ICU admission, mechanical ventilation or vasopressor support. Dementia was adjudicated based on neuropsychological evaluation, neurological exam, and magnetic resonance imaging. Two hundred twenty one participants (7.2%) incurred at least one hospitalization with pneumonia (mean time to pneumonia=3.5 years). Of these, 38 (17%) developed dementia after pneumonia with half of these cases occurring 2 years after the pneumonia hospitalization. Hospitalization with pneumonia was associated with increased risk of time to dementia diagnosis (unadjusted hazard ratio [HR] = 2.3, CI: 1.6–3.2, p<0.0001). The association remained significant when adjusted for age, sex, race, study site, education, and baseline Mini-Mental Status Exam (HR=1.9, CI 1.4–2.8, p<.0001). Results were unchanged when additionally adjusted for smoking, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and pre-infection functional status. Results were similar using propensity analysis where participants with pneumonia were matched to those without pneumonia based on age, probability of developing pneumonia, and similar trajectories of cognitive and physical function prior to pneumonia (adjusted incidence rates: 91.7 vs. 65 cases per 1,000 person-years, adjusted incidence rate ratio=1.6, CI:1.06–2.7, p=0.03). Sensitivity analyses showed that the higher risk also occurred among those hospitalized with other infections.
Hospitalization with pneumonia is associated with increased risk of dementia.