Background:The synthesis of albumin after oral ingestion of nutrients provides a means of storing amino acids, which can be made available during periods of fasting. Objective: This study was undertaken to see whether the response of albumin synthesis to the oral intake of nutrients is compromised in elderly subjects. Design: Albumin synthesis was determined from the incorporation of 43 mg L-[ 2 H 5 ]phenylalanine/kg body wt. Eight elderly subjects (aged 60 y) and 8 young subjects (aged 21-35 y) were studied on 3 separate occasions: after the intake of water, a liquid meal (with 15% of energy from protein, 30% of energy from fat, and 55% of energy from carbohydrate), or an isonitrogenous but not isocaloric meal containing only protein.Results: Mean (ȀSEM) albumin synthesis, expressed as an absolute rate (ie, the amount of albumin synthesized per day), was significantly lower in elderly subjects (108 Ȁ 7 mg ⅐ kg body wt Ҁ1 ⅐ d Ҁ1 ) than in young subjects (141 Ȁ 7 mg ⅐ kg body wt Ҁ1 ⅐ d Ҁ1 ). In response to the complete meal, albumin synthesis was significantly increased in both the elderly (144 Ȁ 7 mg ⅐ kg body wt Ҁ1 ⅐ d Ҁ1 ) and the young (187 Ȁ 11 mg ⅐ kg body wt Ҁ1 ⅐ d Ҁ1 ) subjects. The protein component of the meal was sufficient to stimulate albumin synthesis in both the elderly (147 Ȁ 14 mg ⅐ kg body wt Ҁ1 ⅐ d Ҁ1 ) and the young (182 Ȁ 6 mg ⅐ kg body wt Ҁ1 ⅐ d Ҁ1 ) subjects. Conclusions: Elderly subjects have lower rates of albumin synthesis than do young subjects during fasting, but they stimulate albumin synthesis proportionately in response to the oral ingestion of protein.