For the past 30 years, conflicting and confusing theories have abounded for the acute-stage treatment of musculoskeletal injuries due to a lack of sufficient, high-quality research that substantiates an ideal approach. The main controversy concerns the use of cryotherapy. While cryotherapy has become established as a vital component of the initial treatment of musculoskeletal injuries as part of the rest, ice, compression and elevation (RICE) approach (Mirkin and Hoffman, 1978), doubts about its efficacy have arisen in recent years. In fact, the latest proposal is to use the protection, elevation, avoid, compression and education (PEACE) approach as acute-stage treatment of musculoskeletal injuries (Dubois and Esculier, 2020). This involves protection and elevation of the injured limb, avoidance of anti-inflammatory drugs and cryotherapy, compression of the injured limb and patient education.