Twelve years ago, when the perspective of a vet career was not fulfilling me and I was about to give up on everything, you opened me a window to a fascinating world: the secret life of animals. Since then, we haven´t stopped in our incredible journey exploring the mind of our canine friends. We researched together, we laughed together, and together we took "incredible" 8 years to publish our so expected Sofia´s paper! The first step had been completed, but there was a lot to come. Your enthusiasm, geniality and partnership have been strongly missed. Your great lessons will be kept fresh in my mind and heart whilst carrying on doing research with joy, dedication and creativity as you always taught. You are not here to celebrate this moment but whenever you are please receive my special thanks for everything. We certainly talked a lot about canine behaviour in the past decade-all that stuff surely warmed me up to go decipher cats too! samples processed there. Marie Odile, thanks for all the guidance during samples preparation and for the theoretical discussions. Thanks to Prof. Dulce Casarini, and her post-doctorate students Juliana e Daniela, from Federal São Paulo University, who kindly and promptly accepted analyzing the cats´ blood samples when problems at our faculty made the analysis impossible. Thanks to Angelica, Paty and Nina, my great friends from the Psychology Institute, for the help with the writing-up, the videos´analysis and the so called social "trees", respectively. We started at the same time and with the same goal, and together we are in all the crucial moments in our careers. Our meetings, full of chatting and lots of joy helped me all way throw the taught writing-up period. A special thanks to people from our laboratory, Clara, Cleide and Claudia, who since the beginning were very friendly and helpful. To Carlito who amazingly collected all blood samples with no stress (at least for the humans!). Thanks Marcela for all the papers and hints on urinary stuff! Thanks to Evelyse and Claudio, my special "virgo" friends. With our so similar way to work, a lesson I learnt: it is ok to be a perfectionist! Working together during the international seminars was great! Guys, reference list and photos turned to be really perfect! Thanks to Cida and Adelaide, who were so comprehensive and supportive whenever I dealt with paper work, deadlines, and examinations. Thanks to Prof. Carlos Eduardo Larsson,