The second section of this two-part article assessing the effectiveness of physiotherapy in the treatment of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) examines the effectiveness of electrotherapy modalities, mobilizations and manipulation techniques. This article concludes that from the studies reviewed, there appears to be insufficient current literature to determine whether different electrotherapy modalities or mobilization techniques are effective in treating TMD. Although the literature largely supports the application of temporomandibular manipulation to treat disc displacement TMD, many methodological limitations were identified within the evidence base, making it inappropriate to state how effective manipulation is in treating such patients. There remains insufficient evidence to assess the effectiveness of this treatment on muscle disorder or diagnoses TMD. Based on critical appraisal, it was recommended that the evidence base requires a number of large, well designed, blinded randomized control trials with between-group comparisons, to determine how effective these three physiotherapy modalities are in the treatment of TMD.