produção agrícola do volumoso até a comercialização da Dieta Completa e mostrouse viável economicamente nos três cenários propostos. Pode-se concluir que as fontes de fibra interferem na AAC-In e na digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes; o processamento interfere nas AAC de glicose e Insulina, bem como nas concentrações de ácido láctico e na digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes. Além disso, a interação entre esses fatores influenciam no metabolismo lipídico e no CDA do EE. Porém, esses resultados não trazem prejuízos comportamentais e metabólicos aos equinos. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of a complete product, pelleted or extruded, composed of different sources of fiber (dehydrated whole corn plant, dehydrated elephant-grass and Tifton 85 hay) in equine feeding management as well as its economic feasibility. For this research, we used eight male, geldings, ponies of the Mini-Horse breed. Diets were divided into Control Diet (50% Tifton 85 hay and 50% pelleted concentrate, supplied separately) and Complete Diet (50% roughage more 50% concentrated) provided as a single product. The experimental design was two Latin Squares balanced in a 2x4 factorial scheme, with contrasts applied in order to compare the effects of processing in relation to the control diet. In order to compare the effects within the processed diets, we proceeded to the exclusion of the control group applying a 2x3 factorial scheme. For the significant results, Tukey's test was used with p<0.05. We used four periods with 20 days each, intercalated for 21 days of washout. We evaluated the following variables: blood and fecal parameters, the Apparent Digestibility Coefficients of the nutrients (ADC) and the economic feasibility of the production. The results of the contrasts indicated differences (p<0.05) in the frequencies (%) of standing time, feeding and locomotion, and time of diet intake (minutes); for the Area Under the Curve (AUC) of glucose (G) and insulin (In); for cholesterol concentration; in ADC of dry matter (DM), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid (ADF). The comparison made between the processed diets showed that the fiber source interfered (p<0.05) in the AUC-In values: the dehydrated whole corn plant diet presented higher AUC-In. The ADC of DM and Organic Matter was lower for the diet containing dehydrated elephant-grass. For the ADC of NDF and ADF, the tifton 85 grass diet presented better results. Processing interfered (p<0.05) in AUC-G and AUCIn: pelleting resulted in higher AUC in relation to the extrusion; in the concentration of lactic acid in feces: the pelleting presented higher concentrations in relation to the extrusion; in the ADC of ADF: the extrusion improved the apparent digestibility for this variable. There was an interactive effect (p<0.05) for the concentrations of triglycerides and very low density lipoprotein: the diet with extruded Tifton 85 hay presented higher concentrations in relation to the diet containing dehydrated whole corn plant; for the ADC of the ethereal extract (E...