This research investigates the connection between dividend policy, third-party funds, financial performance, and company value, with a focus on IT Innovation as a moderating factor. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach, utilizing Commercial Banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange categorized as BUKU 4 Banks during the period of 2016–2022. This study employed Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis with WarpPLS 6.0 software as the tool for data analysis. This research concludes that dividend policy does not significantly impact financial performance and company value, while third-party funds have a significant positive effect on both financial performance and company value. Although dividend policy does not directly affect company value, its impact may occur through the mediation of financial performance. Additionally, IT Innovation serves as a moderating factor that strengthens the positive relationship between third-party funds and financial performance towards company value. The novelty of this research lies in the development of a more comprehensive model or concept regarding dividend policy, third-party funds, financial performance as a mediating variable, and company value when considering IT Innovation as a moderating variable.