High-quality interaction on a personal or educational, professional level is possible in today’s world only through enhanced cultural exchange. It is based on the principles of intercultural tolerance and mutual enrichment. The cross-cultural identity of a student’s personality provides for psychological openness to interact with other cultures without losing one’s own national or ethnic identity. Evidence of the effective application of the cross-cultural approach in the education of schoolchildren is the high-level cross-cultural competence (CCС). Aims. The aim of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the implementation of a cross-cultural approach to the organization of the educational process in senior school. Methods: general scientific method, molding experiment, qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data obtained through diagnostic methodic of the experiment, statistical and mathematical interpretation of empirical data and their representation in the visual (table, diagrams) form, functional analysis of the data (while generalizing empirical data and making conclusions). Results. Effective, complex (multicomponent) models of primary (input) and secondary (output) diagnostics of CCC were developed. A model of an integrated school environment aimed at intensifying the CCC was also defined. Secondary diagnostics revealed a tendency to improve CCC in both groups. However, the percentage increase in the level of CCC was 4 times greater in the experimental group, than the level of the control group (+ 4.3% vs. + 17.8%, respectively). The mean values of CCC in the experimental group were confidently at a Good Level (85.7%), that is improved by one order. CCC in the control group was detected at 73.0% (within the Sufficient Level of CCC). The relationship between the level of CCC and the level of foreign language proficiency is proved: CCC is higher in respondents with higher academic achievements in foreign languages. Conclusions. The implementation of a cross-cultural approach to the curricula of school-age children requires close attention of scholars and qualified practical support by the staff of the school. It is advisable to implement a cross-cultural approach in the context of modern schooling through the tactics of facilitation and multicultural modelling. The modern information age opens new horizons for the implementation of the cross-cultural approach in modern schools. Prospects. Further research on the topic involve the effectiveness of integrated learning tactics to increase CCC at other levels of school education, taking into account the variability of the interdisciplinary component (for example, involving also potential of Geography to develop and impove CCC).