Gordon, M. B., Dinn, N. and Rajamahendran, R. 2010. Effects of presynchronization and postinsemination treatments on pregnancy rates to a timed breeding Ovsynch protocol in dairy cows and heifers. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 90: 35Á44. This study examined two strategies to improve pregnancy rate (PR) following Ovsynch timed artificial insemination (TAI) for lactating dairy cows (n0225) and nulliparous heifers (n 087). Animals were assigned randomly to receive one of three treatments: Ovsynch protocol (GnRH 7 d before and 48 h after one PGF 2a treatment), Presynch'Ovsynch (two treatments of PGF 2a 14 d apart followed by Ovsynch 14 d later), or Ovsynch'Post-AI GnRH (GnRH 6 d after Ovsynch TAI) for first service breeding. Pregnancy rates among treatments were not different in lactating cows (42.5, 48.0, and 44.9%) or heifers (65.5, 58.6, and 58.6%) for Ovsynch, Presynch'Ovsynch, and Ovsynch'Post-AI, respectively. Cows treated with Ovsynch had lower PR when bred B76 d in milk (DIM) compared with Presynch'Ovsynch or Ovsynch' Post-AI treatments. In addition, cows and heifers that received Post-AI GnRH had greater progesterone (P 4 ) concentrations on day 21 and day 28 post-TAI than the Ovsynch group. Animals with higher P 4 concentrations at initiation of Ovsynch had better PR than those with low P 4 concentrations. Presynch animals had a greater proportion of animals with P 4 values above 1 ng mL(1 at the initiation of Ovsynch than those animals in the Ovsynch group (74.5 vs. 59.4%). Heifers had lower PR if they were B14.6 mo of age (48.9 vs. 75%) or weighed B380 kg (47.4 vs. 70.8%). Although no significance differences in PR were observed between treatments in cows or heifers, DIM in cows and age and weight in heifers affected PR. ; Ovsynch'GnRH post-IA (GnRH 6 jours apre`s IATP par Ovsynch) pour une premie`re saillie. Le taux de conception des vaches en lactation (42,5%, 48,0% et 44,9%) et des ge´nisses (65,5%, 58,6% et 58,6%) ne varie pas avec le traitement (Ovsynch, Presynch'Ovsynch et Ovsynch'post-IA, respectivement). Les vaches recevant le traitement Ovsynch se caracte´risent par un TC plus faible quand on les accouple apre`s moins de 76jours de lactation, comparativement a`celles qui rec¸oivent le traitement Presynch'Ovsynch ou Ovsynch'post-IA. D'autre part, les vaches et les ge´nisses a`qui on administre de la GnRH post-IA pre´sentent une plus forte concentration de progeste´rone (P 4 ) que celles du groupe Ovsynch, le 21 e et le 28 e jour apre`s l'IATP. Les sujets qui pre´sentaient une plus forte concentration de P 4 au de´but du traitement Ovsynch avaient un TC supe´rieur a`ceux pre´sentant une faible concentration de P 4 . Le groupe Presynch comptait un plus grand nombre d'animaux ayant plus de 1 ng de P 4 par mL dans le sang au de´but du traitement Ovsynch que le groupe Ovsynch (74,5% c. 59,4%). Le taux de conception des ge´nisses est plus faible quand elle ont moins de 14,6 mois (48,9% c. 75%) ou pe`sent moins de 380 kg (47,4% c. 70,8%). Bien qu'on n'ait observe´aucun e´cart significatif dans le TC des vaches et ...