Many studies claim that Indonesia capital market tends to be segmented. They both claim that due to weak correlation between stock returns in the Indonesian stock exchanges (formerly Jakarta stock exchange) with stock returns in other countries' stock exchanges, Indonesian capital market segmentation is justified. Their claims is further strengthened by such survey that not only claims that Indonesia market is segmented but also claims that Indonesian stock exchange is very attractive for foreign investors since this condition will bring the benefit of international diversification. Nevertheless, if further examined, the increase in foreign investor's activity in the IDX would cause the Indonesian Index (JCI) to be further influenced by the international factor carried by those foreign investors. This condition causes the segmentation of Indonesia capital market started to be questioned. Furthermore, some studies discover the co-integration phenomenon in the IDX post 1997 monetary crisis in East Asia. Next development is the occurrence of two major groups in capital market integration study. The first group is statistical perspectives who focuses on confirming the integration of capital market segmentation; while the other on seeking the determinants of capital market integration. For the second group, i.e., asset pricing perspectives has used ICAPM model to investigate the integration of segmentation of stock market. Some studies propose model which can be formulated such asWhile for this study, the author propose a modification model by extending some relevant variables as the determinant of integration or segmentation from the Indonesian capital market. Thus, the model was used in this study become into such empirical model as follows: