Cynicism is an individual negative emotion, such as aggravation, disappointment and misery Shahzad et al. (2012). Since the beginning of the Cynic school in the 5th century B.C., cynics have derided at the persistent quest of influence, assets, and realism by their associated persons Andersson and Bateman (1997). The concept of cynicism has turned into the subject of different disciplines in social discipline e.g. philosophy, religion, political science, human science, administration and psychology; Bedük et al. (2015). Matrecia (2005) characterized organizational cynicism as workers' states of mind (negative convictions, emotions, and other associated behaviors) towards their paying organization. She additionally says that cynicism is a reaction to a past experiences and social encounters that yield promptly to the progressions inspired by natural impacts which lead toward the immoral behavior in this way, These counterproductive demonstrations may take a many structures, for example, non-attendance, work loafing, burglary, verbal and physical animosity, extortion, to name of the few aspects of deviance or counterproductive behavior of workers; Ahmed et al. (2016). Organization Based Self-esteem reveals workers' self-observation about their significance, seriousness, adequacy, skill, and value inside their organization"; Cenkci and Ötken (2014). The purpose of the current study to explore this cynicism on counterproductive work behavior with mediating construct. Our primary objective is that cynicism is positive related to counterproductive work behavior and organizationbased self-esteem as a mediator is negative related to independent, dependent variable. There is very limited evidence to test this model with all these construct, Further more Influence of cynicism and counterproductive work behavior (CWB) with mediating impact of organization based self-esteem very limited explored and has not detail tested empirically in Pakistan and it will be the first occurrence in Pakistan which will be tested on an organization of city traffic police Punjab Pakistan. In this study, therefore, "mediating role" of organization base self-esteem within the relationship of cynicism and counterproductive work behavior is being investigated. There are only a few studies conducted within the Pakistani domain, which investigate similar constructs however this will be a unique study for the city traffic police Punjab, Pakistan.