Thirty-four (n=34) subjects (age: 24.52±3.12 years old) students of Physical Education of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria were evaluated. They were divided into three groups: Roller Foam Group (RG, n=10); Crossed Hands Technique Group (CHG, n=15) and Control Group (CG, n=9). The Tensiomyography (TMG) were used to evaluate the mechanical characteristics of the bíceps femoris and semitendinosus muscles. Specifically, the Radial Displacement of the muscles' bellies (Dm) and Contraction Time (Tc) were measured. The measures were taken: in basal conditions; after a 5 min of continuos run (8 km/h) warming up; after a Romanian deadlift with growing loads of the 1RM: (50%/15 reps, 60%/10reps, 70%/8reps, 80%/6reps, 90%/3reps), with 2min rest between each load set; five and ten minutes after the exercise. The myofascial release applications were just after the first five minutes of rest (Figure 1).